Tuesday 31 January 2012

Marble run

Marble run

Both the younger boys love marbles and with the arrival of some coffee boxes and a collection of tubes we set to work on a marble run. Blue was the chosen colour and each piece was given a quick coating.  The older of the boys kept telling his little brother how it made it more exciting for the marble!! while the youngest kept saying "wow" (he's only 1 and not at sentence level yet!) in reaction to his brothers excited voice.  Anyway, after lots of painting the hot glue gun came out (youngest was distracted with the bag of marbles and an ice cube tray) and we stuck on the pieces going down the box.  Sometimes he glued and I held in place, sometimes I was allowed!! to glue.  After a few experiments to check the piece were in the right place, we set to work making bumpers so the marbles couldn't escape.  These consisted of the cut away pieces of tubing and some cotton wool! his choice.  The finished run was quite impressive and the boys were excited to show big brother when he came home.  This then led to our shop bought marble run being brought out and an extravagant marble run being built next to the box. They really wanted to build it on top of the box and have the marbles drop from one to the other, but little one kept climbing into the box and knocking the whole thing down.  This is maybe a task for when dad is home or youngest is having a rare nap.

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