Sunday 29 January 2012

Maths - Taking away by adding on

Maths - Taking away by adding on
5 year old

This week we were working on taking away by adding on.
We started by looking at small sums and moving coins around to show that we could work out any missing number if we had 2 parts of the sum.
Then we went outside and drew a large number line on the driveway.  We placed an alien on the number line and choose a number card to take away (alien had to be on a number between 10 and 20 and the number cards were from 0 - 9).  We started of on the alien card and jumped down the correct number.  Then we started on the number of the card we had drawn and jumped up the number we needed to see how many we needed to add on to get to the alien.  (if number card was 8 we started at 8 and jumped up to alien who was on 12. sum 12-8= 4: 8 jump up to 12 is 4.) We did each sum both ways to ensure his understanding was there.
Next we used coins to buy toys and receive change.  I let him choose which way he wanted to do the sum.  Finally, we moved on to some alien worksheets. This is usually received well as i try to include his favourite TV show or toy of the moment!
He loved the sheets, happily drew out the number lines and after ensuring he wrote the number above the jump for both the tens and units, was able to answer each question easily.

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