Thursday 26 January 2012

Paper Tearing pictures

Paper tearing - spotted some fab pictures while out made of torn paper. Took this idea home and started off with lots of sheets of coloured paper on table. Boys panicked when they found out they were to tear the paper, as normally torn paper means a ripped book - which spells TROUBLE!
However, we started and very quickly realised neither boy had any idea how to tear paper.  After lots of explaining and demonstrating we eventually got a few strips torn.  This was enough to get started.  The boys had already chosen favourite toy and they were going to use this to copy.  (My original idea was to develop the kids drawing skills - both draw sticks for arms and legs and round circles for heads and bodies.)
Boys started gluing their torn strips and copying their models, they copied a lot more than I thought they would but this was their choice . I tried to encourage them to add backgrounds and think of 'bad guys'  they could be fighting but both wanted to accurately show their character. As the pictures began to look like the characters the were really impressed. By the end of the pictures they were happily tearing away at the paper and had developed a new skill.
The final pictures were quite impressive and have been hung on the wall - when daddy recognised the character the boys were really pleased.


  1. Wow what a great effect it creates! Welcome to blogging! If you would like to you would be most welcome to come and link up with our Play Academy on Friday's - it's a great way to share your blog and invite people over to read.
