Thursday 2 February 2012

Playdoh and craft sticks

I was inspired with a construction blog that I saw yesterday so decided to see what would happen when I put similar resources out.  Before we got started it was toilet stop time and back he came with an empty toilet roll tube!! This was obviously the first thing he wanted to play with.  He cut it into treasure maps and hid it inside the playdoh islands!! Then he put flags on each islandusing cut up craft sticks.  Next some characters had to be added to be kings and princesses for the islands.  Each King and princess then received a comfy chair (a piece of cut up toilet roll tube coloured in with chalk).  Just as he looked about ready to go, he spotted that each character had left footprints in the playdoh. With great excitment he squashed out lots of playdoh and made jumping footsteps, giant "boom, boom boom" footsteps etc. 
Playdoh and craft sticks - what does your child make? Giant constructions, islands, footsteps or something else completly?

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