Wednesday 8 February 2012

Crayon grating

We have had lots of snow over the last few days, so crafts have been forgotten for snow fun!! Todays crafty activity was crayon shavings.  I placed crayons and a grater on the table and the box for recycling/junk/craft!!. 
A little help was needed with grating the crayons but as they were big and chunky and we only ever managed half a crayon no little fingers were hurt.  First step  was grating lots of colours, we mixed all the colours but i'm sure putting the seperate would give some very cretaive results. First he tried putting glue on the tubes and boxes and sprinkling on the crayon, then rolling it in the colour.  Both were fun and gave good effects. 
After he had covered a few things in crayon he decided it looked like a giant daddy.  So then he set to work creating his giant.Green arms (he asked for a clean board to grate the crayon on as they had to be green), a belt, chin and big ears were added.  The crayon then was used to draw the face and our giant crayon daddy was complete.


  1. Oooh I was thinking of doing some crayon grating tomorrow. I was going to melt them, but I'm liking your idea of just gluing it onto stuff.

  2. thanks, if you chop the left over bits into circles you can make mosaics too!!
